sábado, 30 de abril de 2011

Psychodrama for a psychopath

A psychodrama is considered where patients through role playing, acting, dramatization or self presentation, complete or continue their actions.
A larga number of scenes using actual memories of the person are acted out, such as unfinished situations, fantasies, dreams, nightmares, etc.
These scenes either approximate actual real life situations or are externalizations of inner mental processes.

A psychopath under psychodrama therapy could be entertaining, why? Let's list some notable characteristics for the common psychopath.

-High intelligence.
-Usually charming and what not.
-Show a high lack of empathy.
-No delusions or irrational thinking.
-A psychopath is NOT somebody psychotic. A psychopath is NOT schizophrenic.
-Mythomania or pathological lying.
-Incapacity for love.
-Failure to follow any life plan.
-Anti-social behavior.
-Lack of remorse and shame.
-Certain misoginistic tendencies in the case of some male psychopaths and in some cases, misanthropic points of view.
-In some cases, narcissistic tendencies.

Considering these characteristics, you have yourself an interesting psychodrama!

An example:

Psychodrama Director: Remember a traumatic memory and let's see what we can do with it.
Psychopath: Ok, how about when I was terribly burnt?
PD: Ok, let's see!
Psychopath: I can't... it never happened.
PD: Ok, let us try a trust excercise. I'm going to fall and you're gonna' grab me!
Psychopath: ...Ok.
*PD falls to the ground*
PD: What happened?
Psychopath: I thought about it and a realized and don't actually care enough, and you falling to the ground doesn't directly affect me, so... it wasn't exactly my responsability, it's yours for having trusted me.
PD: Ok... how about your sex life?
Psychopath: Entertaining. Many woman, though, i'm not gonna' specify, because i'll just lie about it. They're just tools (You know, women).
PD: Why do feel that way?
Psychopath: I actually feel that way about humanity as a whole, but that wasn't what this was about. This was about trust and reliability, in some way, if you come to think about it, and I failed.

It's an exaggeration to prove a point.

So the thing is... knowing now what a psychodrama is and what a psychopath is, how would a psychopath during psychodrama therapy turn out in your opinion? A psychopath who goes through normal therapy usually grows his manipulative abilities.

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