sábado, 30 de abril de 2011


Hello, my name is Nicolas. Nicolas Hollow... and this is the day I die. I live in the village of Whitewater, said to have the purest water on earth. So pure, we tend to keep it all to ourselves. So pure that war threats for us used to be something daily. Our little village is... a particular one.
We breed a plant that only grows here. It's called the pandora plant. The odd thing is... nobody ever eats it. The village elders forbid it. They say the plant is pure evil, but we never understood why. We would grow it with specific instructions given to us by the elders and turn it over.
One day an outsider came to us and asked for some water. The elders not only did not give the poor dehydrated man some water, but they banished him from our small village. The man sweared revenge, and called all the villagers he crossed - including me - "servants of our own ignorance". Confused by these words, I went to speak with the elders. Elder Stieg told me that some questions are better left unanswered, for the sake of our sanity. I remained confused as the man clearly knew something that I did not.
My human curiosity led me to ask where they had taken the man, something nobody knew apparently. I continued asking, but nobody knew what had happened with the poor man. Nobody even knew if he was still alive. Still confused, but tired, I went back home with my family and went to sleep. Late that same night, I could clearly see a shadow lurking around. I wen't out to investigate the origin of this shadow and it was the same man from before. He asked me if we had any particular plant that we grew only in our village, because he traced a highly poisonous plant back to our village, which has apparently spread to his village. He later claimed he was dying because of this plant, and he was getting dehydrated faster and faster and I watched as his skin started to peel. I ignored him and went back to sleep. The next morning I found his corpse in front of my house... completely dehydrated and with some odd rashed around his face. The elders quickly appeared with some villagers and took the corpse away, asking me to resume as if I hadn't seen anything, and as I was going back into my house, I found a note on the floor which read: "Do you believe me now?".
After reading that, a particular chill ran down my spine... as if the terror was slowly consuming me.
Later that day, I went to investigate which plant he could've been talking about, and I thought about the Pandora plant and why the elders had forbbiden us from eating it or using it in any way. As I walked through town, I started noticing that many people for some unexplained reason seemed to be sick. From a simple cough to vomiting blood, to odd rashes on their faces. Something was happening. Something dark, which little did I know, would turn into a tragedy... which little did I know, would be the confessor of the wickedness behind our little village.
I went to the river to refresh myself and suddenly noticed that the water was an odd color... it was clear, but a little misty. Like the fog created by dry ice, and I had no idea why. Color aside, I took some back home for my family. I went back home and my beautiful wife was making dinner. I gave her the water and heard a knock and the door and I went to answer. It was a good friend of mine, Gilbert. He told me his daughter just passed away. "Her skin started to peel away, she was in agonizing pain and she took her life. She cut her own throat" he told me in horror. As he told me, I realized that his skin was... odd. Like a rash, but not a rash. I remembered that particular 'rash'. It was the one the outsider's corpse had. I told Gilbert this, and without even a goodbye, he left.
I sat down to eat... worried. We ate and I went outside for some fresh air. As I went outside, I began to notice the villagers showing similar symptoms to that of the Outsider's and Gilbert's. I recalled the legend of the plague, also known as Leprosy. But I had no idea it could spread so fast. And in silent horror, I realized that this all started happening after the outsider died and the water changed its color. Everybody depends on that water, and some outsider appears, we deny him our water and it suddenly changed color and the villagers begin to show symptoms similar to his before his death?
I went back inside to check on my family and I found my children suffering, trying to speak in their state of dehydration and I couldn't find my wife. I looked all over the house... except the bathroom. I went into the bathroom and found her with the same rash, the same dehydrated face and her wrists slit, with a dagger in her right hand. I sat down to begin accepting the fact that my children and I were doomed to the same fate.
I went outside and saw the horror... lepers coiling underneath the trees, dying men in bewildered soliloquys and the elders looking around as the whole village died in agony. I watched in terror as they pointed out the details of the horror. Eternally caught in unbridled suspense.
I went to ask the elders what was happening and why they just watched and all they could say is "You permitted us to deny a man the right to live. You permitted yourselves to fall victim to the plague of vengeance. And you, of all the villagers, fell victim to your own human curiosity". I was to weak to argue with them, and watched as they left, calmly, as if they had planned the whole thing. I watched in horror as my children faded away in sorrow, and cried as I watched the sun set for the very last time. As the sun set forever over us and as I finished writing down these last...

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